Undeniable Truths <br> As I see it: April 2010


Sherman's words

"The United States has the right, and...the...power, to penetrate to every part of the national domain. We will remove and destroy every obstacle - if need be, take every life, every acre of land, every particle of property, everything that to us seems proper."

-- Union General William T. Sherman

"The Government of the United States has in north Alabama any and all rights which they choose to enforce in war - to take their lives, their homes, their lands, their everything, because they cannot deny that war does exist there, and war is simply power unrestrained by constitution or compact."

-- Union General William T. Sherman


I profess to fight for but one single purpose, viz, to sustain a Government capable of vindicating it's just and rightful authority, independent of niggers, cotton, money, or any earthly interest!"

-- Union General William T. Sherman, Official Records, Vol XXX, pt. IV, p. 235


The quicker he or she is disposed of the better

"To the petulant and persistent secessionists, why, death is mercy, and the quicker he or she is disposed of the better. Satan and the rebellious saints of Heaven were allowed a continuous existence in hell merely to swell their punishment. To such as would rebel against a Government so mild and just as ours was in peace, a punishment equal would not be unjustified."

Union General William T. Sherman

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